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(604) 560-0027

Have questions about your family or business finances? We would love to hear from you! CONTACT US

About Us

JYC Financial is a fee-for-service financial planning practice. We're not here to sell you stuff. We help you achieve independence in every area of your life: financially, professionally, and personally. READ MORE

What is Financial Planning?

"Financial Planning" is  not - despite what you've seen in the industry - a sales process. At JYC Financial, our plans do not involve product sales. We're what's known as "fee-for-service" financial planners: fee only, advice only.

Pure financial planning is the process of envisioning your future - whether personally, corporately, or both - from a strategic perspective.  The process is a tool for decision-making: determining the feasibility of your vision for the future, and the steps to get there.

Financial planning has been proven to significantly increase wealth and success.  Sounds exciting right? 

It's exciting for us too.  Let's talk about your future, and how you're going to get there.

Julia Chung, CFP, CLU, FEA

Financial Planner

Looking for a planner with a keen understanding of personal finance, corporate finance, and operations management? Just want to be told what to do? You've come to the right lady - all the expertise, experience, and bossy attitude you've ever wanted, and more.

With twenty years' experience in the financial services industry, education in both personal and corporate finance, business and family law, cross border planning, family dynamics, insurance, risk management, operations management, and strategy, Julia is a powerhouse financial planner and the founder of JYC Financial.


Sandi Martin, BA, Hon

Financial Planner

Sandi is an ex-banker turned fee-only financial planner. She works with regular people across Canada to figure out what they want their money to do for them, and to find the simplest, smartest way to do it. In her former career as a banker, she spent most of her time resisting the overwhelming pressure to sell credit cards, mortgages, creditor insurance, and expensive mutual funds. Instead, she worked with her clients to make the best financial choices with the best information possible. 

The Team

Very few businesses can run successfully without a highly qualified team.  Our team includes Rob Bancroft and Ashlee Best, Associate Planners, and these talented individuals from our sister company, Admin Slayer: Shannon and Lindsay, the administrative geniuses who manage everyone, Tracey, who assists with plan creation and research, Krysten, the mind and talent behind our marketing, and Janice, who keeps the books. 


Personal Financial planning Services

As an individual, couple, or family, you have a lot on your plate.  You're managing your day-to-day cash flow, building savings and investment plans, determining your insurance needs and affordability, planning for your future and that of your children, managing for catastrophes, minimizing tax (particularly if you have cross-border issues), building careers and businesses, and much, much more.  

We help you organize all that information into an understandable format, determine gaps that need filling, develop and communicate with your advisory team, build a step-by-step process to achieve your dreams, and create a review process that will allow you to make educated decisions going forward.  It's like having a Chief Financial Officer, just for you and your family.

Business Advisory Services

We know what it takes to operate your business, grow your bottom line, buy or sell a business, and much more.  We're recognized for our expertise in cash flow management, corporate financial planning, and much more.  We take the time to know your business, your industry, and your plans for the future.

Family Enterprise Advice

We're proud to be on the cutting edge of advisory services, with specific expertise in the unique world of family enterprise.  In partnership with Lead Family Enterprise Advisors, we build strong families.


The Financial Planning Process

How do I work with a financial Planner?

Great question! Here's how our typical process flows:

Step 1: Discovery Meeting

A discovery meeting to determine where you are right now in your life, in your business, and in your family will help determine exactly how we can help you, and the scope of those services. There is no charge for a discovery meeting - and no expectations on our side. 

Step 2: Proposal & Estimate

After meeting with you, we'll develop a proposal of your customized services and present this to you, along with an estimate of the cost. If you like it, we'll move forward with delivering your customized services exactly how and when you need. If you don't like it, we'll negotiate a new proposal and estimate, point you in the direction of someone who might be able to serve you better, or simply shake hands and wish you all the best.  

STep 3: Engagement

We've decided to work together! We'll give you an engagement letter that outlines the scope of services, estimate, and all the fancy legalese you could want.

Step 4: Analysis

We’ll gather more information from you and your advisory team, and develop a full analysis of your situation.  As this step requires careful research, experimentation, and discussion with your advisory team and the experts we consult with, it may take a little time (typically 2-4 weeks).  

Step 5: Financial Plan Presentation Meeting

We’ll meet with you to present your financial & estate plan. It will include reporting, a full written analysis with recommendations, strategies, and answers to your questions.  


We’ll work with you and your advisory team to determine who is responsible for which tasks, build a timeline, and create a custom monitoring schedule to make sure everything happens as planned.  We’ll review the results of each step, and make alterations to the plan as we move forward.

STEP 7: Annual Updates

On at least an annual basis, your financial plan will be updated with the changes in your life, and the world around you.  We’ll meet to review the changes, starting back at step 1 again.



Contact Us

Tel: (604) 560-0027 
Toll-Free: (844) 498-3397



Suite 404, 1688 152nd Street
South Surrey, BC V4A 4N2