2. Proposal and Estimate
After meeting with you, we'll develop a proposal of your customized services and present this to you, along with an estimate of the cost. If you like it, we'll move forward with delivering your customized services exactly how and when you need. If you don't like it, we'll negotiate a new proposal and estimate, point you in the direction of someone who might be able to serve you better, or simply shake hands and wish you all the best.
3. Engagement
We've decided to work together! We'll give you an engagement letter that outlines the scope of services, estimate, and all the legalese you could want.
4. Analysis
We’ll gather more information from you and your advisory team, and develop a full analysis of your situation. As this step requires careful research, experimentation, and discussion with your advisory team and the experts we consult with, it may take a little time.
5. Plan Presentation Meeting
We’ll meet with you to present your financial & estate plan. It will include reporting, a full written analysis with recommendations, strategies, and answers to your questions.
6. Implementation & Monitoring
We’ll work with you and your advisory team to determine who is responsible for which tasks, build a timeline, and create a custom monitoring schedule to make sure everything happens as planned. We’ll review the results of each step, and make alterations to the plan as we move forward.
7. Annual Updates
On at least an annual basis, your plan will be updated with the changes in your life, and the world around you. We’ll meet to review the changes, starting back at step 1 again.